NEW OEM BorgWarner Turbo CHRA CAT Industrial Genset D398 D399 SR4 Diesel 178137
SKU: 178137
This is a BRAND NEW GENUINE BORGWARNER TURBOCHARGER CHRA CARTRIDGE. Exact same part sold at the dealership. This is an exact, direct fit OEM replacement turbo CHRA.
Fits the following:
Part Number: 178137
Description: CHRA
Brand: BorgWarner - 3K - Schwitzer
Fit for Part Number:
178052, 182783, 184979, 184980, 316215
Fit for OEM Number:
0R-5831, 0R5831, 6N-8462, 6N8462, 8N-3322, 8N3322, 8N-3323, 8N3323
Fit for Turbo Model:
Fit for Application:
1976-06 Caterpillar with D398, D399 Diesel Engine
1979-03 Caterpillar Industrial, Genset with D399, SR4 Diesel Engine
*Important* Please use the above information to determine if the part(s) in this listing fit your vehicle. The most reliable way to make sure the model of turbo is finding the part number from the nameplate of your old turbo.
This is a BRAND NEW GENUINE BORGWARNER TURBOCHARGER CHRA CARTRIDGE. Exact same part sold at the dealership. This is an exact, direct fit OEM replacement turbo CHRA.
Fits the following:
Part Number: 178137
Description: CHRA
Brand: BorgWarner - 3K - Schwitzer
Fit for Part Number:
178052, 182783, 184979, 184980, 316215
Fit for OEM Number:
0R-5831, 0R5831, 6N-8462, 6N8462, 8N-3322, 8N3322, 8N-3323, 8N3323
Fit for Turbo Model:
Fit for Application:
1976-06 Caterpillar with D398, D399 Diesel Engine
1979-03 Caterpillar Industrial, Genset with D399, SR4 Diesel Engine
*Important* Please use the above information to determine if the part(s) in this listing fit your vehicle. The most reliable way to make sure the model of turbo is finding the part number from the nameplate of your old turbo.