NEW BorgWarner K31 Turbo 1995-2012 MAN Ship Marine D0836LE401 D2848LE403 53319886701
This is a BRAND NEW GENUINE BORGWARNER TURBOCHARGER. Exact same part sold at the dealership. This is an exact, direct fit OEM replacement turbo.
Fits the following:
Part Number: 53319886701
Interchangeable Number: 5331-970-6701, 5331-971-6701, 5331-988-6701, 53319706701, 53319716701, 53319886701
OEM Number: 170-070-1288,1700701288, 51.09100-7396, 51.09100-7579, 51.09100-7638, 51091007396, 51091007579, 51091007638
Turbo Model: K31, K31-3767OOAKB9.71RYAXB
Manufacturer: BorgWarner - 3K - Schwitzer, BWTS DE
Year: 1995-2012
Engine: D0836LE401 D2848LE403
Displacement: 6.87L (D0836LE401), 14.62L (D2848LE403)
Fuel: Diesel
Power: 662 kW/900 HP
Speed: 1800/2300 RPM
Angle α (Compressor Housing): 315°
Angle β (Turbine Housing): 100°
CHRA: 53317100004, 53317100026
Overhaul Kit: 53317110005
Turbine Housing (Water Cooled): 53311006400
Turbine Housing A/R: 12
Turbine Wheel: 53311205015/53311205005/53311205025
Compressor Wheel: 53311232004
1995-2007 MAN Ship with D2848LE403 Engine
1998-2005 MAN Ship with D2848LE403 Engine
2000-2012 MAN Ship with D0836LE401 Engine
*Important* Please use the above information to determine if the part(s) in this listing fit your vehicle. The most reliable way to make sure the model of turbo is finding the part number from the nameplate of your old turbo.