NEW OEM IHI RHC61W Turbo CHRA Yanmar Marine 4LHA-STE 4LHA-DTE 3.5L C61CAD-S0090C
SKU: C61CAD-S0090C
This is a BRAND NEW GENUINE IHI TURBOCHARGER CHRA CARTRIDGE. Exact same part sold at the dealership. This is an exact, direct fit OEM replacement turbo CHRA.
Fits the following:
Part Number: C61CAD-S0090C
Description: CHRA
Brand: IHI Turbo - CloverTurbo
Fit for Part Number:
C61CAD-S0090B, C61CAD-S0090G, C61CND-S0080B, C61CND-S0080B, C61CND-S0101B, C61CND-S0101G, VA240080, VB240080, VB240090, VC240080, VC240101, VD240080, VD240090, VD240101
Fit for Short Spec.:
Fit for OEM Number:
119173-13041, 11917318041, 119173-18040, 11917318040, 119175-18030, 11917518030, 119175-18031, 11917518031, 119195-18030, 11919518030, 119195-18031, 11919518031, 6T-583
Fit for Turbo Model:
RHC61W, RHC61W-1036P16NWBRLL4715CC, RHC61W-1063P16NWBRLL4715CCZ, RHC61W-1063P18NWBRLL4715CC
Fit for Application:
1995-98 Yanmar Marine with 4.0L 4LH-STE Diesel Engine
1998-01 Yanmar Marine with 3.5L 4LHA-STE, STE-4LHA, 4LHA-STZE-YA Diesel Engine
2000-01 Yanmar Marine with 3.5L 4LHA-DTZE, 4LHA-DTE, 4LHA-DTP, 4LHA-DT(Z)E(P) Diesel Engine
*Important* Please use the above information to determine if the part(s) in this listing fit your vehicle. The most reliable way to make sure the model of turbo is finding the part number from the nameplate of your old turbo.
This is a BRAND NEW GENUINE IHI TURBOCHARGER CHRA CARTRIDGE. Exact same part sold at the dealership. This is an exact, direct fit OEM replacement turbo CHRA.
Fits the following:
Part Number: C61CAD-S0090C
Description: CHRA
Brand: IHI Turbo - CloverTurbo
Fit for Part Number:
C61CAD-S0090B, C61CAD-S0090G, C61CND-S0080B, C61CND-S0080B, C61CND-S0101B, C61CND-S0101G, VA240080, VB240080, VB240090, VC240080, VC240101, VD240080, VD240090, VD240101
Fit for Short Spec.:
Fit for OEM Number:
119173-13041, 11917318041, 119173-18040, 11917318040, 119175-18030, 11917518030, 119175-18031, 11917518031, 119195-18030, 11919518030, 119195-18031, 11919518031, 6T-583
Fit for Turbo Model:
RHC61W, RHC61W-1036P16NWBRLL4715CC, RHC61W-1063P16NWBRLL4715CCZ, RHC61W-1063P18NWBRLL4715CC
Fit for Application:
1995-98 Yanmar Marine with 4.0L 4LH-STE Diesel Engine
1998-01 Yanmar Marine with 3.5L 4LHA-STE, STE-4LHA, 4LHA-STZE-YA Diesel Engine
2000-01 Yanmar Marine with 3.5L 4LHA-DTZE, 4LHA-DTE, 4LHA-DTP, 4LHA-DT(Z)E(P) Diesel Engine
*Important* Please use the above information to determine if the part(s) in this listing fit your vehicle. The most reliable way to make sure the model of turbo is finding the part number from the nameplate of your old turbo.