Remanufactured BorgWarner B2UV Turbo International MaxxForce 7 6.4L 12639900004
SKU: 12639900004
This is a OEM REMANUFACTURED BORGWARNER TURBOCHARGER. Exact same part sold at the dealership. This is an exact, direct fit OEM replacement turbo.
NOTE: This turbocharger package also comes with the gaskets.
Fits the following:
Part Number: 12639900004
Interchangeable Number: 1263 990 0004, 1263-990-0004, 12639880004, 1263 988 0004, 1263-988-0004, 12639700004, 1263 970 0004, 1263-970-0004, 12639700008, 1263-970-0008, 1263 970 0008, 12639880008, 1263 988 0008, 1263-988-0008
OEM Number: 7091720C1
Turbo Model: B2UV, B2UV-63A90DN40C13EV-067N71AL21S80BH
Manufacturer: BorgWarner - 3K - Schwitzer
Year: 2012-11
Engine: Maxxforce 7, V134
Engine Manufacturer: Navistar
Displacement: 6.4L
Fuel: Diesel
Angle α (Compressor Housing): 245°
Angle β (Turbine Housing): 90°
2012-11 International Truck with Navistar MaxxForce 7, V134 Engine
*Important* Please use the above information to determine if the part(s) in this listing fit your vehicle. The most reliable way to make sure the model of turbo is finding the part number from the nameplate of your old turbo.
This is a OEM REMANUFACTURED BORGWARNER TURBOCHARGER. Exact same part sold at the dealership. This is an exact, direct fit OEM replacement turbo.
NOTE: This turbocharger package also comes with the gaskets.
Fits the following:
Part Number: 12639900004
Interchangeable Number: 1263 990 0004, 1263-990-0004, 12639880004, 1263 988 0004, 1263-988-0004, 12639700004, 1263 970 0004, 1263-970-0004, 12639700008, 1263-970-0008, 1263 970 0008, 12639880008, 1263 988 0008, 1263-988-0008
OEM Number: 7091720C1
Turbo Model: B2UV, B2UV-63A90DN40C13EV-067N71AL21S80BH
Manufacturer: BorgWarner - 3K - Schwitzer
Year: 2012-11
Engine: Maxxforce 7, V134
Engine Manufacturer: Navistar
Displacement: 6.4L
Fuel: Diesel
Angle α (Compressor Housing): 245°
Angle β (Turbine Housing): 90°
2012-11 International Truck with Navistar MaxxForce 7, V134 Engine
*Important* Please use the above information to determine if the part(s) in this listing fit your vehicle. The most reliable way to make sure the model of turbo is finding the part number from the nameplate of your old turbo.