NEW Holset HX40W HE400WG Turbo Truck Cummins ISLE 8.9L 5460130 4045076 3785222
SKU: 3785222
This is a BRAND NEW HOLSET BORGWARNER TURBOCHARGER. Exact same part sold at the dealership. This is an exact, direct fit OEM replacement turbo.
NOTE: This turbocharger package also comes with the gasket.
Fits the following:
Part Number: 3785222
Interchangeable Number: 3783603, 3786508H, 4045069
OEM Number: 2881908, 3785230, 3785231, 4045076, 5460130
Turbo Model: HE400WG, HX40W
Manufacturer: Holset
Engine: ISLE
Engine Manufacturer: Cummins, DCEC
Displacement: 8.9L
Fuel: Diesel
Angle α (Compressor Housing): 223/225/330°
Angle β (Turbine Housing): 17/15°
Clamp Plate (Turbine): 2839879H
Compressor Housing: 4050352H
Compressor Wheel: 3599016H
Coupling Hose: 3537930H
Gasket (Oil Drain): 3519805H
Gasket Kit: 3545575H
Repair Kit (Major): 4027448H
Repair Kit (Major): 4032051H
Repair Kit (Minor): 4031746H
Retaining Ring: 3533163H
Split Ring Seal (Compressor): 3758848H
Turbine Housing Kit: 3591164H
Turbine Wheel: 4050572H
Turbocharger Kit: 3786508H
Automotive with Cummins ISLE Engine
Truck with L360 Engine
Truck with Cummins ISLE Engine
*Important* Please use the above information to determine if the part(s) in this listing fit your vehicle. The most reliable way to make sure the model of turbo is finding the part number from the nameplate of your old turbo.
This is a BRAND NEW HOLSET BORGWARNER TURBOCHARGER. Exact same part sold at the dealership. This is an exact, direct fit OEM replacement turbo.
NOTE: This turbocharger package also comes with the gasket.
Fits the following:
Part Number: 3785222
Interchangeable Number: 3783603, 3786508H, 4045069
OEM Number: 2881908, 3785230, 3785231, 4045076, 5460130
Turbo Model: HE400WG, HX40W
Manufacturer: Holset
Engine: ISLE
Engine Manufacturer: Cummins, DCEC
Displacement: 8.9L
Fuel: Diesel
Angle α (Compressor Housing): 223/225/330°
Angle β (Turbine Housing): 17/15°
Clamp Plate (Turbine): 2839879H
Compressor Housing: 4050352H
Compressor Wheel: 3599016H
Coupling Hose: 3537930H
Gasket (Oil Drain): 3519805H
Gasket Kit: 3545575H
Repair Kit (Major): 4027448H
Repair Kit (Major): 4032051H
Repair Kit (Minor): 4031746H
Retaining Ring: 3533163H
Split Ring Seal (Compressor): 3758848H
Turbine Housing Kit: 3591164H
Turbine Wheel: 4050572H
Turbocharger Kit: 3786508H
Automotive with Cummins ISLE Engine
Truck with L360 Engine
Truck with Cummins ISLE Engine
*Important* Please use the above information to determine if the part(s) in this listing fit your vehicle. The most reliable way to make sure the model of turbo is finding the part number from the nameplate of your old turbo.